Thursday 6 February 2025

1.     Influence of the constant magnetic field on the rate of catalytic reaction in the presence of palladium colloid. / V. B. Ukraintsev, V. A. Matsura, V. V. Potekhin, V. V. Platonov, O. M. Tatsenko, K. A. Khokhryakov  // Russian Journal of General Chemistry 2005, V. 75, N . 8,  P. 1329

2.      One-step template-directed synthesis of ordered multifunctionalised nanoporous silica: on the way to interactive nanomaterials. /  E. Besson, A. Mehdi, V. Matsura, Y. Guari, C. Reyé and R. J. P. Corriu // Chem. Commun, 2005, 13, P. 1775.

3.      Synthesis of Magnetic Silica-Based Nanocomposites Containing Fe3O4 Nanoparticles. / V. A. Matsura, Y. Guari, J. Larionova, C. Guérin, A. Caneschi, C. Sangregorio, E. Lancelle-Beltran, A. Mehdi, R. J. P. Corriu // J. Mater. Chem., 2004, 3026.

4.      Dissolution of powder gold and palladium in the cyanide solutions / C.G. Brovin, V.A. Matsura, V.V. Potechin, V.B. Ukraintsev, N.V. Vorobiov-Desiatovski// Russian Journal Of Applied Chemistry 2000. V. 73. N. 7. P. 1117.

5.      Anodic behavior of Ni-Cu-Rh alloys in sulfuric acid and choric acid solutions / V.I. Baschmakov, S.A. Simanova, V.A. Matsura // Russian Journal Of Applied Chemistry 2000. V. 73. N. 4. P. 588.

6.      Kinetics of Reaction between Oxygen and Hydrogen in Water in the Presence of Pd(0)-containing Compounds. / V. A. Matsura, V. V. Potekhin, V. V. Platonov, O. M. Tatsenko, V. B. Ukraintsev, K. A. Khokhryakov  // Russian Journal of General Chemistry 2003, V. 73, N . 11,  P. 1671.                                 

7.      Quantum Chemical Investigation of H2 Molecule Dissociation on Palladium Clusters. / N.S. Panina, V.A. Matsura, V.V. Potekhin, V.B. Ukraintsev, K.A. Khokhriakov, V.V. Platonov, O.M. Tatsenko, and A.I. Panin //  Russian Journal of General Chemistry 2004, V74, N. 7, P.1057

8.      Hydrogenation and oxidation of allyl alcohol in the presence of colloid palladium in situ. / V.A. Matsura, V.V. Potechin, N.S. Panina, V.V. Platonov, O.M. Tatsenko,  V.B. Ukraintsev, K.A. Khokhriakov // Russian Journal of General Chemistry 2003, V.73., N. 12. P. 1900.

9.      Mechanism of the Reaction between the Aqua Complexes of Palladium(II) and Iron(II) in a Solution of HClO4 / V.V. Potechin, V.A.Matsura, S.N.Solovjeva, V.M.Potechin // Russian Journal of Kinetic and Catalysis 2004 Vol. 45, N. 3. P. 381.

10.  Kinetics of reaction between oxygen and hydrogen in water in the presence of Pd(0)  compounds / V.A. Matsura, V.V. Potechin, V.V.Platonov, V.B. Ukraintsev, K.A. Khokhriakov / Russian Journal of General Chemistry 2003 Vol. 73, N. 11. P 1767.

11.  Oxidations-reductions transformations of benzyl alcohol in a presence of the palladium colloid in situ. I. Disproportion of benzyl alcohol. / V.V. Potechin, V.A. Matsura, V.B. Ukraintsev // Russian Journal of General Chemistry 2000, V.70., N. 6. P. 886.

12.  Oxidation by molecular oxygen and hydrogenation of the benzyl alcohols in palladium colloid in situ presence. / V.V. Potechin, V.A. Matsura, V.B. Ukraintsev//  Russian Journal of General Chemistry 2000, V.70., N. 12. P. 2058.

13.  Kinetics of hydrogenation and oxidation of benzyl alcohols in the presence of palladium colloid in situ / V.A. Matsura, V.V. Potechin, V.B. Ukraintsev // Russian Journal of General Chemistry 2002, V.72., N. 1. P. 105.

14. Анодное поведение сплавов Ni-Cu-Rh в сульфатно-сернокислых и хлорнокислых растворах [] : научное издание / В. И. Башмаков, С. А. Симанова, В. А. Мацура ; СПбГТИ // Журнал прикладной химии. - 2000. - Т. 73, Вып. 4. - С. 588 - 592 : ил. - Библиогр. в конце ст.



1. Method of extraction of gold and silver from ores using sodium cyanide solutions.  / Vorob'ev-Desyatovskii, N. V.; Matsura, V. A.; Potekhin, V. V.; Ukraintsev, V. B.; Ukraintsev, I. V. // Patent Russ.  (2003),     CODEN: RUXXE7  RU  2202636  C1  20030420  CAN 139:183259  AN 2003:492112

2. Method of control of the reaction rate. / Ukraintsev, V. B.; Matsura, V. A ; Potekhin, V. V.; Khokhryakov  K. A.; Panina N.S.;  Platonov, V. V.; Tatsenko O. M.  // Patent Russ.  №2238143, deposed 20. 10. 2004





“Influence of the strong magnetic field on the catalytic properties of the palladium colloid”

Poster, V.B. Ukraintsev, V.A. Matsura, V.V. Potechin, A.P. Shpachenko, K.A. Khokhriakov, V.V. Platonov, O.M. Tatsenko

7th International Symposium in High Magnetic Fields. July, 2003, Toulouse, France.


“The catalytic properties of palladium colloid in situ catalyst”

Poster, V.B. Ukraintsev, V.A. Matsura, V.V. Potechin, A.P. Shpachenko, K.A. Khokhriakov, V.V. Platonov, O.M. Tatsenko

13th International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis. Sept.2002, Tarragona, Spain

“The study of interaction between hydrogen and oxygen in water in palladium(0) presence”Poster, V.A. Matsura, N.S. Panina, V.V. Potechin, K.A. Khokhriakov, V.B. Ukraintsev, V.V. Platonov, O.M. Tatsenko 26 International symposium of metal-hydrogen systems Annecy (France) September 2002


“Kinetic and mechanism of interaction of hydrogen and oxygen, catalyzed by palladium in water in cyanide-ion presence”

Poster, V.B. Ukraintsev, V.A. Matsura, V.V. Potechin, K.A. Khokhriakov

XVII  International Cherniaev conference on chemistry of coordination compounds, Moscow,April 2001


“Transformations of allylic and benzylic alcohols in palladium colloid in situ presense”

Poster, V.V. Potechin, V.A. Matsura, V.B. Ukraintsev, K.A. Hohryakov, V.V. Platonov, V.N. Popov, O.M. Tatcenko

International conference “Metallorganic compounds – the materials of the future” (III Razuvaev lectures), Nizhni Novgorod 29 May - 2 June 2000


“Investigation of catalytic activity of the palladium colloid in situ in the processes of hydrogenation and oxidation of the some inorganic and organic compounds”

Poster, V.A. Matsura, V.V. Potechin, V.B. Ukraintsev III International conference “Chemistry of Highly-Organized substances and Scientific Principles of Nanotechnology”, Petergof, St. Petersburg, 26-29 June 2001 P. 503-504
