Mar Tristany,a Bruno Chaudret,b Philippe Dieudonné,c Yannick Guari,d Pierre Lecante,e
Victor Matsura,d Marcial Moreno-Mañas,a Karine Philippot,b* and Roser Pleixats.a*
aDepartment of Chemistry, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Cerdanyola,
08193-Barcelona, Spain
bLaboratoire de Chimie de Coordination du CNRS, 205 route de Narbonne,
31077-Toulouse, France
cLaboratoire des Colloïdes, Verres et Nanomatériaux (CNRS, UMR 5587), Université de
Montpellier II, 34095-Montpellier, France
dLaboratoire de Chimie Moléculaire et Organisation du Solide (CNRS, UMR 5637)
Université de Montpellier II, 34095-Montpellier, France
eCentre d’Elaboration des Matériaux et d’Etudes Structurales du CNRS, 29 rue Jeanne
Marvig, BP4347, 31055-Toulouse, France
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During the past decade, metal nanostructures have attracted a considerable interest due to
their properties in various areas such as optics, magnetism, catalysis...1 Many efforts have thus
been devoted to their synthesis and characterization and various approaches are now available
for their preparation, such as chemical reduction, thermal or sonochemical decomposition,
UV photolysis, chemical vapour deposition, electrochemical synthesis and organometallic
synthesis.2 However, since both the physical and the chemical properties of nanostructures are
dependent on their morphologies,3 it is necessary to find synthesis methods allowing a good
control of their morphology.
In this field, here we describe our collaborative results on the stabilization of ruthenium(0)4
and platinum(0)5 nanoparticles by heavily fluorinated compounds, organized into spherical,
rod or wire shaped superstructures (figure 1). Such organization results from the combination
of an organometallic route6 leading to size-controled nanoparticles with the use of heavily
fluorinated compounds7 to self-assemble as stabilizing agents (figure 2).
Several techniques were employed to characterize the nanomaterials obtained including TEM,
HTEM, WAXS, SEM-FEG and SAXS which confirmed the nanoparticles organization.
Such fluorinated-ligand-stabilized NPs could find application in fluorous biphase catalysis or
in materials chemistry.
[1] Clusters and Colloids. From Theory to Applications, ed. G. Schmid, Vch, Weinheim, 1994
and Nanoparticles. From Theory to Applications, ed. G. Schmid, Wiley-Vch, Weinheim,
2004; K. J. Klabunde, C. Mohs in Chemistry of Advanced Materials. An Overview, ed. L. V.
Interrante and M. J. Hampden-Smith, Wiley-Vch, New York, 1998, ch. 7; Nanoscale
Materials in Chemistry, ed. K.J. Klabunde, Wiley-Interscience, New-York, 2001; Metal
Nanoparticles. Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications, ed. D. L. Feldheim and C. A.
Foss Jr, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2002;
[2] K. Philippot, B. Chaudret, in Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry III, ed. R. H.
Crabtree and M. P. Mingos, Elsevier, 2007, vol. 12, ch. 12.03, pp. 71-99.
NanoSpain2008 14-18 April, 2008 Braga-Portugal
[3] M.A. El-Sayed, Acc. Chem. Res., 34 (2001) 257-264.
[4] M. Tristany, B. Chaudret, P. Dieudonné, Y. Guari, P. Lecante, V. Matsura, M. Moreno-
Mañas, K. Philippot, R. Pleixats, Adv. Funct. Mater., 16 (2006) 2008-2015.
[5] M. Tristany, M. Moreno-Mañas, R. Pleixats, B. Chaudret, K. Philippot, P. Dieudonné, P.
Lecante, J. Mat. Chem., 18 (2008) 660-666.
[6] B. Chaudret, Synthesis and surface reactivity of organometallic nanoparticles in Topics in
Organometallic Chemistry, 16 (2005) 233-259.
[7] A. Schulte, V. M. Hallmark, R. Twieg, K. Song, J. F. Rabolt, Macromolecules 24 (1991)
3901-3905; V. C. R. McLoughlin, J. Thrower, Tetrahedron 25 (1969) 5921; R. J. Twieg, J. F.
Rabolt, Macromolecules 21 (1988) 1806-1811; M. Moreno-Mañas, R. Pleixats, S. Villarroya,
Synlett (1999) 1996-1998; O. Porcherie, Y. Guari, C. Reyé, New J. Chem. 29 (2005) 538-543.
Figure 1. Superstructures of the nanocomposites of ruthenium(0) (left) and platinum(0)
(right) nanoparticles embedded into heavily fluorinated compounds.
Figure 2 Family of heavily fluorinated compounds used as stabilizing agents for
nanoparticles synthesis.
1b 1f
NanoSpain2008 14-18 April, 2008 Braga-Portugal